Omega Engineering
Rosette Strain Gauges

3 Element, 0°/45°/90° Corner, Compact Rosette Strain Gauges
This series of compact, corner rosette strain gauges measure biaxial stresses with unknown principal directions for stress analysis monitoring or industrial applications.

3 Element, 0°/45°/90° Rosette Strain Gauges
This series of rosette strain gauges measure biaxial stresses with unknown principal directions for stress analysis monitoring or industrial applications.

Pre-Wired Strain Gauges for Easy Installation
These strain gauges are available in several styles with either two 1-meter leads or three 3-meter leads. All models are compensated for steel.

3 Element, 0°/45°/90° Planar, Compact Rosette Strain Gauges
This series of compact, rosette strain gauges measure biaxial stresses with unknown principal directions for stress analysis monitoring or industrial applications.

HBM Strain Gauges for High Temps & Alternating Load Resistance
These M Series strain gauges from HBM have been specially developed for high resistance to alternating loads at increased strain levels and high temperatures up to 300°C.

3 Element Stress Relief Strain Gauges
This series of versatile, precision purpose strain gauges can be used for stress relief for stress analysis monitoring or industrial applications.

3 Element, 0°/45°/90° Corner Rosette Strain Gauges
This series of corner rosette strain gauges measure biaxial stresses with unknown principal directions for stress analysis monitoring or industrial applications.

3 Element, 0°/60°/120° Planar, Compact Rosette Strain Gauges
This series of compact, rosette strain gauges measure biaxial stresses with unknown principal directions for stress analysis monitoring or industrial applications.

3 Element, 45° and 60° Delta Rosette Strain Gauges
This series of delta rosette strain gauges measure biaxial stresses with unknown principal directions for stress analysis monitoring or industrial applications.